Quality of life in women seeking care for urinary incontinence using e-Health

In a recently published study, we investigated the quality of life of the women with urinary incontinence that participated in our three randomized controlled studies. Their quality of life was reduced because of the leakage, but not as much as for women seeking care through conventional avenues. The results suggest that e-health might reach a new group of women in need of treatment. Read the article here

Regular pelvic floor muscle training and use of the app Tät® were associated with improvement

When freely available, two thirds of users who answered the 3-month follow-up found their symptoms of urinary incontinence to be improved, the same level of improvement rates as with other forms of pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT). In a recently published study we further analysed factors associated with improvement and found that regular PFMT and app use both increased the odds of improvement. The study can unfortunately not determine, whether this additional effect of app use is a result of more focused PFMT or other functions in the app. The article is available in full-text here

New study of the real-world effectiveness of the app Tät® for urinary incontinence

We have analyzed data from 2672 women with urinary leakage, that responded to anonymous questionnaires at download of the app Tät® and after three-month. In a previous trial we have shown that the app is effective regarding improvement of urinary incontinence in comparison with a control group. We can now conlude that the app Tät®is effective for self-management of urinary incontinence even in the real world. The reduction in the incontinence symptoms was less and the users did not exercise as often as in the previous clinical trial. Read more in BMJ Open

Tät®III-Pelvic Floor Exercises for men – now also in English!

The app Tät®III is intended to support men with pelvic floor exercises in cases where these kinds of exercises have been recommended by medical staff.  Urine leakage upon coughing, jumping or sneezing – stress incontinence – is common after an operation for prostate cancer. It is recommended that pelvic floor exercises start before the operation is performed, and that the exercises continue after the operation. Read more about the app

100 000 users of the app Tät®

At the beginning of 2020, 100 000 persons had responded to the questionnaire in the app Tät®  .The number of active users was doubled during 2019 compared to 2018. Read more here.

New version of the Tät® app

The new version of  the Tät® app has a new splash screen and it is possible to change the background image. Every type of contraction has got a unique sound. The function “Quick jump” allows you to jump directly to the exercise you used last time. Texts about “Terms of use” and “Privacy policy” are updated. As previously, we follow up usage and results using anonymous surveys in the app, and so far 76,000 women have answered our surveys. Find out more about the app here and more about the study here.