Affect the Tät® app

As part of the eContinence research project we continuously develop and improve the app. Which functions do you currently appreciate most? Which functions that are in development do you think are important? What do you think of the appearance, colours and illustrations?

So far, the app has been financed through research funding. Several studies have shown that the app is effective for self-management of stress urinary incontinence. The app is also used by many pregnant women or women who have just given birth. Research related to this app will soon be complete, but the app will continue to be developed and updated. Which is why we also ask several questions about pricing.

Your answers are completely anonymous and cannot be traced to you as an individual. The survey contains questions about about its functionality, design and pricing. The answers will be collated and processed, and a summary will be presented here on the eContinence website.

Eva Samuelsson
Professor, General Practitioner
Responsible for the eContinence project


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